Capital gains tax: a minority sport?
In August, HMRC published new data about how much CGT had raised but it suggests that increased capital gains tax (CGT) means less tax is paid
In August, HMRC published new data about how much CGT had raised but it suggests that increased capital gains tax (CGT) means less tax is paid
The cost for both employer and employees for tips can be circumvented if a tronc arrangement is used to distribute tips.
The student loan repayment threshold for England and Wales has been frozen at £25,000 until 2027, a detriment to new students this September.
The latest scam highlighted by HMRC is rather ‘old school’, involving letters posted to companies instead of the usual digital communication
With the dividend allowance now cut to just £500, the number of taxpayers paying tax on dividend income for 2024/25 is expected to increase.
HMRC has launched a new digital tool to help businesses estimate the potential impact of their VAT registration.
The Renters Rights Bill will overhaul the private rented sector in England, with some elements also applicable to Wales.
In her first tax announcements as Chancellor, Rachel Reeves targets those starting off in life and those approaching the end of their lives
The number of taxpayers caught in the 60% tax trap has increased by nearly 25% over the past year, are you one of them?
The date of the next Budget has been announced, accompanied by the new Chancellor’s warning about government finances.
HMRC has launched a campaign of one-to-many letters given its increasing concern surrounding the electronic suppression of sales (ESS). The campaign targets businesses that might
Companies without a digital invoice processing system in place are leaving themselves open to invoice fraud.