Lost pensions worth billions unclaimed
Over the recent years, the number of lost pension pots has doubled to around 3.3 million a total value of funds sits at almost £31 billion
Over the recent years, the number of lost pension pots has doubled to around 3.3 million a total value of funds sits at almost £31 billion
Making Tax Digital (MTD) for the self-employed and landlords is still over a year away but the October 2024 Budget further extended its scope
The Employment Rights Bill working its way through parliament will have serious implications for employers once finally enacted.
UK landlords are facing increased rates of surcharge when purchasing buy-to-let property following increases over the past three months.
As 2025 gets under way, it is once again the time of year to start considering your tax year-end planning. The early months of the
Umbrella companies are often used to employ workers on behalf of recruitment agencies and end clients. However, HMRC is making changes from April 2026 to
While postgraduates with student loans face high effective marginal tax rates if they also have a normal student loan, it may not make financial sense
Hidden away in the October Budget announcements was the freezing of individual savings accounts (ISA) annual subscription limits until 5 April 2030. Good news that
The impact of the Budget’s increases in national insurance contributions (NICs) are not limited to employers.
Understanding the government’s recent corporate tax roadmap aims to provide businesses with some certainly for the future, but does it?
Thresholds defining company sizes have not changed since 2016, but revised thresholds are now set to be introduced from 6 April 2025.
Despite digital ambitions, HMRC has recently reverted to paper-based claims for employees who want to make a claim for employment expenses